About Zafira
I help entrepreneurs unblock their voice, harness their creative energy, and write sensory stories that connect with their audience.

5 Permission Slips For Your Brand Messaging


If there’s *anything* the last nine years in business has taught me, it’s this:

Your copy has an expiry date.

Your copy is seasonal.

Your copy, much like you, needs to evolve over time.

We are constantly shifting and changing, and our messaging has to reflect that.

When I say messaging: that means your web copy, your lead magnets and your email sequences!

I’ve probably changed my web copy at *least* every three years, if not two (in fact, I refreshed everything this year!) — and with every investment I make in myself, every success I help someone else have, every opportunity I’ve had to grow and expand…

… I’ve gained *so* much more that I can share with my audience and impart to them.

Not to mention: the cultural landscape is dynamic and we need to be just as fluid.

Do your pop culture references still make sense? Are you being considerate of the current global climate? Are you interested in so many things now that no one knows about?

The thing is… The reason we tend not to update our copy often is because it was so darn hard to get it done in the first place, right?

Trust me, I totally get it. (Even copywriters end up banging their head against their keyboards when working on their own copy!)

For my visual thinkers, the process of refreshing your messaging is akin to:

  • Renovating a house that doesn’t reflect your current taste. The process sucks, but the end result feels so good.
  • Cleaning out your wardrobe and buying a new capsule wardrobe. It involves a lot of keep and donate piles, and a big shopping trip… To finally find the right fit.
  • Admitting that your car has run out its mileage and is on its last wheels. You love all the places it’s taken you, but it’s time for a change.

Basically? This is the kind of thing that is SO easy to put off, but over time, starts to chip away at your brand and how it resonates with others.

Here’s what you might notice when your copy hasn’t changed in a few years:

  • You’ll start stripping parts of it away that don’t feel good. And you won’t love what you’re left with. (E.g. You could have retired many offers, but haven’t had the energy or clarity to add in your new ones.)
  • Your offers won’t convert as well as they used to. Our funnels gather dust, too. When was the last time you double-checked your welcome email sequences and went through them with a fine-toothed, tortoiseshell comb?
  • You won’t feel like you. There will be a disconnect between what you’re trying to do now vs. what you *used* to do. Time for a pivot? Yes please.

If there’s any part of you that’s nodding along…

… And you need a little encouragement to *actually* revisit your web copy, lead magnets and email sequences…

Here are 5 permission slips for your brand messaging — take what you need:

  1. You deserve to feel fully expressed. If your copy feels like it’s restrained, stiff, serious or just not reflective of your *real* voice, you are ready to refresh your brand messaging.
  2. Your audience wants more of the Current You. The Real You. Would your friends or family read your web copy and say, “that’s *so* you!” or would they say, “who’s that?”. If it’s the latter, you are ready to refresh your brand messaging.
  3. You’re allowed to pivot. Maybe you got tired of doing the same thing. Maybe you just feel different after a major life change. (I know I did after having a baby!) You’re allowed to change your niche, your offers and how you show up, anytime you want. If your current positioning doesn’t match up to what you want to put out there, you are ready to refresh your brand messaging.
  4. Your story is worth sharing. We tend to skew *extra* professional in our copy; when in reality… We want the details you’re worried aren’t relevant or interesting. If you know that *that* About page isn’t reflecting the humanness it should, you are ready to refresh your brand messaging.
  5. Your time will be worth it. I know it’s not easy to press refresh (or “start”) on anything, especially our copy. But that time, thoughtfulness and energy is oh-so-worth-it to carry you through to your next phase of evolution! If you want to be truly proud of your website, your freebies and nurture an aligned message, you are ready to refresh your brand messaging.

If you’re going to start anywhere, I recommend revisiting your About page and giving it a good makeover. It’s the beating heart of your website (whether you know it or not!) and I always say: it’s like ripping off your web copy band-aid. Once THAT page is done, the rest of it becomes so much easier!

On your About page, you may want to consider revisiting:

  • Your origin story. Does it hold true? Is it still relevant? What’s happened in the last three years that you haven’t mentioned?
  • Your timeline of events. What’s unfolded, shifted or no longer needs to be on the page?
  • Your business purpose. Has your audience and the way you served them changed?
  • Your values. Do they live on your About page? Do they need a refresh? How are you putting them into action?

Here’s to helping you refine your positioning and getting your message to a place where you feel genuinely proud of it!



P.S. If you don’t want to go it alone, my signature brand messaging and copywriting program, The Intention Infusion, is currently accepting applications for my next cohort!

We kick off in mid-June, and I’ll walk you through my process to help you refresh your brand messaging, write all your web copy, update or create new offers, as well as your lead magnet and welcome email sequence. The best part? You’ll get personalized feedback and support along the way. Check out all the details here!

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About zafira

 I help entrepreneurs unblock their voice, harness their creative energy, and write personality-driven stories that connect with their audience.








I help entrepreneurs unblock their voice, harness their creative energy, and write personality-driven stories that connect with their audience.

On the blog, you'll find tips on how to all of the above ^^ better, bundles of writing prompts, sensory stories from my own life and intel on what's fueling me creatively: from the books I'm devouring to the music that's going to make it into my Spotify Wrapped next year. So glad you're here!

Hello, friends! I'm Zafira.

And I'm a 

sensory storyteller.

And I'm a sensory storyteller.

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